Blast from the Past – Eucalyptus 2

Spot the raven.

Eucalyptus II in oils - by Ravenari

I identified Australian raven as my personal animal totem even before I’d graduated highschool. It’s been a long journey we’ve had together, but those are the best kinds.

This piece was done in oil pastels. I worked a lot with oil pastels for about two years, and then thought ‘fuck it’ and went to chalk pastels like Winsor & Newton and Schminke instead (moving up from Mungyo some years ago). I don’t really know why. I still have some highschool grade oil pastels in storage, but I don’t use them anymore.

Yet another piece done at the primary school park on Priestley Street, where I went to school as a child, and where I often went as a teenager to draw. That tree has been chopped down now. I wonder how many photos and pieces of art remain to remember it by?