Porcupine as Totem

Clearly the punk rocker of the animal kingdom. Or maybe that’s just my illustration; which turns a perfectly dignified animal into TOTAL SID VICIOUS BABY!



American Porcupine as Totem by Ravenari


Back up, having excellent defences, needing to protect yourself from yourself, having a tense or unusual relationship with trees, possessing an affinity with the darkness and the shadow realms, benefitting from primarily vegetarian diets, doing things your own way, being unique, look after yourself, don’t be afraid to inflict some damage, sometimes the nice way isn’t the best way, don’t be afraid to be prickly, watch salt consumption, learning to differentiate insult from fair statements, taking things slow will suit you right now.



The North American Porcupine is a large tree-climbing rodent also known as the Canadian porcupine, common porcupine, and quillpig, among other names. They are found in Canada, Alaska and Northern/Western USA, where they are common and widespread. They are usually found in coniferous and mixed forests, but can also be found in deserts, shrublands and tundra provided there are adequate thicketed areas. They den in the holes of trees and rocks. Porcupines are known for their characteristic quills, which are modified hairs. They detach easily and are used as a defense, these quills are urticating and hard to remove. Because porcupines will sometimes get stuck with their own quills, they are one of the rare mammals to have antibiotics in their skin.

The North American porcupine is solitary and primarily nocturnal. They are nearsighted, slow-moving, and selective, fussy eaters, which has lead to an unusually well-developed ability to negotiate mazes and memorise very complex directions. They are herbivorous, and in Summer they eat twigs, acorns, roots, stems and berries, in Winter they stay closer to their dens and eat conifer needles and tree phloem and cambium. Because they often focus feeding on a particular tree, they can kill it or cause extensive damage. They are sometimes considered a pest because of the damage they can inflict on trees, tyres and wood. Because of their slow movements, they are often hit by vehicles. They are predated upon by primarily by fishers, as well as wolverines, coyotes and mountain lions.

Blackcap as Totem

This totem has the awesome honour of being a patron of Italian culture and the arts. I mean, in general, it’s an awesome bird – but did you know that something so tiny has inspired a lot of artists? What a wonderful, and overlooked, totem animal.



Blackcap as Totem by Ravenari


Sharing your song with others, possessing a sweet voice, knowing how to persuade others, the pen is mightier than the sword, learning new ways of expressing yourself, respecting religious pathways, enjoying sacred spaces, adapting to significant changes to your environment, being fond of myths and legends, associations with St. Francis, connection to Italian culture and crafts, muse.



The blackcap is a widespread, common passerine warbler found in Europe, western Africa and Europe. They are sexually dimorphic, and have a unique colour pattern for warblers. The male is grey with a distinct black cap, the female has a brown cap. They prefer to forage and hunt in shady woodlands, and nest in groundcover, preferring low shrubs. Their song is pleasant, chattering, with occasional clear notes; isolated blackcap populations can show marked differences in style and complexity of song. The blackcap is more hardy than other warblers, taking berries as well as insects when the weather gets tough. The blackcap is partially migratory, but recently some have been changing their wintering habits due to the availability of human food and gardens and recent environmental changes; the birds that are not migratory have higher survival rates than those that are. In some cultures, the blackcap is consumed as a food and considered a delicacy. Blackcaps have long inspired Italian writers, who knew the bird as La Capinera. They are associated with St. Francis in the opera Saint Francois d’Assise.

Blue Eared Pheasant as Totem

I love writing totem files for the less common animals. I think I may have been the only person to write a totem file about the blue-eared pheasant, but you never know! They seem like awesome birds.



Blue Eared Pheasant as Totem by Ravenari


Sibling rivalry, enjoying wild weather, feeling invigorated during cold or snowy weather, mountain wisdom, forest wisdom, having a profound connection to trees and plants, being feisty when pushed, coping well in times of crisis, being the one to depend on when things go wrong, taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves, rooting around to get to the cause of the problem.



The blue eared pheasant is a large, blue-grey pheasant, with a black grown, red wattles, yellow iris, long white ear coverts and crimson legs. They are among the most common of eared pheasants. They are sexually dimorphic with the male being larger than the female, but are otherwise quite similar. They are found in the mountain forests (Himalayas) of central and northern China, where they do very well in cold and snowy weather, and seem to enjoy inclement weather. Primarily eat berries and vegetable matters, but are opportunistic feeders. They root around by nature, and can destroy smaller plants in the process. They enjoy mud and dust-baths. Blue eared pheasants are hardy. They are monogamous, and reach sexual fertility in their first year. Males will often display a lowered wing to signify size and dominance. Chicks are lively, rambunctious, bold and look like they are smiling. If over-crowded, they will become violent and cannibalistic, killing their siblings. Males will become quite aggressive and attack other species during breeding season.

Brown Honeyeater as Totem

The second installment for today.

These guys have been visitors to my Mum’s gardens for as long as I can remember. I haven’t seen any in my garden yet, but that’s because it’s a new suburb and I’m not sure what the brown honeyeater population is like; I do see other nectar feeders though. They are drab-looking birds, to be certain, but they have lovely personalities, and a lovely call.

These guys are a fantastic totem animal for people who work with balancing the chakras, or who fall out of balance very quickly. Their habits are all about achieving the right balance, and being selective about what energy you allow into your body. Also fantastic for people who are making shields that let certain things in, and not others.



Brown Honeyeater as Totem by Ravenari


Balance, knowing how to balance your energy, being selective about how you receive and give out your energy, singing your song, possessing the ability to balance the energy of others, the unobtrusive healer, seeking and finding clarity, getting what’s yours, flowers are healing, an affinity with flower essences and flower foods at this time, learning to be happy with blending into your surroundings.



The brown honeyeater is a small, grey-brown bird with a yellow tuft behind the eye, found in western, northern and eastern Australia. It is considered common and widespread, and populations are on the rise in urban environments. Brown honeyeaters live in a variety of different habitats provided they are close to a source of water; these habitats include mangroves, eucalypt woodlands and gardens. The brown honeyeater is mostly active in early morning, and seasonally nomadic within its territory, following the flowering plants and trees. It primarily feeds on nectar and will also take insects; it’s tongue is brush-tipped and specially adapted for mopping up nectar. Brown honeyeaters will also feed in small groups and flocks of mixed honeyeaters.

Brown honeyeaters maintain the same breeding territory each year, and nests are cup-shaped and woven from grass and tree-bark. They are acrobatic, busy and active birds, able to take insects on the wing and hover over nectar-providing flowers. They most prefer to feed in foliage and canopies, but will also feed on the ground. They have a distinct, beautiful, loud, clear song which is considered the best of all the honeyeaters. Some even consider it to be one of the best among Australian birds. They are predated upon by ants, pied currawong and their nests are parasitised by a variety of cuckoos.

European Pine Marten as Totem

Today you get two totems, since I fell behind!

The first:


European Pine Marten as Totem by Ravenari


Forest and tree wisdom, the ability for trees and forests to be healing places, possessing great wit and cunning, being resourceful and capable of great lateral thinking when necessary, needing to chew something over, protecting your home and yourself, having a great sense of where your boundaries are, swiftness of action and movement, being exploited for what you have and what you do, keeping your body in good condition, general anxiety and fussing over things.

Horned (Shore) Lark as Totem


Horned Lark as Totem by Ravenari


Strutting your stuff, oneness with wind and ground spirits, staying grounded and dreaming big, knowing the healing power of the earth, the earth element, the wind element, doing what is necessary to protect loved ones, knowing the power of sacrifice, putting others first, seeking stability, don’t damage your health for environmentalism, learning to live in new environments, the healing power of open places.



The horned lark (also known as the shore lark) is a distinctive songbird with a black and yellow face pattern. The male has black ‘horns’ in the breeding season, which can be erected or lay flat. They are birds that prefer to both feed and nest in the open ground. They are found in North America, northernmost Europe and Asia, as well as Colombia. The northern populations are migratory, travelling south in the Winter. They are usually found on seashore flats, farmland, golf courses, airports, prairies, grasslands, steppes, open forests, deserts and above the mountain treelines. They primarily eat seeds, and will eat insects during the breeding season. It is the female that chooses the nesting site; and they have been known to perform distraction displays to lure away predators. The vocalisations of horned larks are high, lisping or tinkling with ascending trills in flight. They can be aggressive, with males chasing each other in flight. They are the bird species most frequently killed by wind turbines.


The rest of the totem animal dictionary can be found here!

Leopard Shark as Totem

I love leopard sharks. I mean I love sharks in general, though. Because sharks are awesome. Also they have this very clear way of reminding us that the sea is their territory, and we will only ever be visitors.



Leopard Shark as Totem by Ravenari


Finding your way through the dark, learning to respect and embrace tidal cycles, a time and place for everything, knowing when to go forward, and when to retreat, you cannot see clearly, rely on your other senses, using socialisation as protection, healing and nourishment, it’s okay to take your time, be wary and cautious, ocean wisdom, coastal wisdom, tidal wisdom.



The leopard shark is a marine species of hound shark found along the Pacific coast of North America. It has striking leopard-like markings of black-to-grey along it’s body, and juveniles have spottier markings. They are long, slender sharks, averaging 1.2 to 1.5 metres long. They are coastal predators generally found in the intertidal zone, in sometimes brackish or murky waters, and frequent bays, estuaries, sandflats, mudflats and rock-strewn areas; often in large schools with other species like smoothhounds and dogfish. Their hunting and activity is very powerfully influenced by the tides, they are opportunistic benthic feeders, eating sea worms, as well as clams, crabs, shrimp, bony fish and fish eggs. They cannot see very well, due to the murkiness associated in regions where they hunt.

They generally like to stay in a particular area, though some will travel, and will socialise with other leopard sharks of similar size and sex. Leopard sharks are very slow growing, and take many years to sexually mature. They are often caught for food and aquariums, as they pose no danger to humans and are wary by nature, and quick to flee.


The full totem dictionary, representing 258 animals, can be found here


I’m finally getting back into illustrating ‘as totem’ illustrations. The next four will be the PATAGONIAN MARA, the OKAPI, the BLACK MAMBA, and the KING COBRA. All will be available for sale, unless they get snapped up during the illustration process.

Llama as Totem

No Llama totem write up is complete any longer without mentioning drama llama!



Llama as Totem by Ravenari


Connecting respectfully with other species, inter-species relationships, having a great deal to give, demanding the respect of others, be wary of making a bigger deal out of a situation than it deserves, drama llama, unstable social circles, unstable social hierarchies, learning how to deal with not knowing where you stand, being able to protect others, the energy of hostility, high altitudes are healing, don’t be afraid to retreat to the mountains and the high places, connections with pre-Hispanic South American cultures.



The llama is a relative of the camel, found in South America, that has been utilised as a domestic animal since pre-Hispanic times. It is utilised for its soft and lanolin-free fleece, to carry loads over rough terrain, for leather, for food and for fuel. An overloaded llama will refuse to move and can become aggressive and hostile, but generally if well-raised they are considered intelligent, curious, and easily trained with positive reinforcement. Guard llamas have been utilised since the early 1980s, as they bond firmly with sheep, and require almost no training to protect sheep from predators. They can be differentiated from alpaca as they are larger and have a longer head.

Llama are grazers of grass and chew cud, they will also consume lichens, low shrubs and other mountainous plants, and need very little water. They are well-adapted to survive in sparse mountainous terrain, with their red blood cells able to carry more oxygen than many other animals, making them suited to high altitudes. They have an ambling gait. In the wild they live in groups of about 20, that is defended by a male. Fighting males will try and force another male to his knees, they will also neck wrestle and spit. They mate lying down and for approximately thirty minutes, both unusual in larger animals. Llamas are social by nature, and can live between 20 and 30 years. Considered significant to the Moche, the Incans, as well as other Indigenous nations. In contemporary times, the term ‘drama llama’ has emerged as an internet-originating term referring to people who bring random or over-inflated drama with them, and generate conflicts.


This and other files like it Can be found at my totem dictionary, representing 258 animal totems and growing.